Video Marketing

Powerful Video Marketing Campaigns That Deliver Results

Video marketing is a discipline that has changed the face of the marketing industry in the past 5 years.  Video used to simply be part of a campaign, but now it is often the very core of the campaign itself.   Hurricane have been at the forefront of driving this new field and we have huge experience in creating video campaigns at a national and global scale.

It’s not enough to have a beautiful video, it must be launched and seeded in the right way with a thoughtful marketing focus behind it. Video is a powerful tool and, with the right planning and production it delivers change for brands, organisations and charities alike.

We’ve been involved in video marketing campaigns for Airbus, Barclaycard, AXA and more; and we’ve worked in a huge range of sectors from charities to engineeringautomotiveretail and pharma and healthcare.

In fact, we love video marketing so much that our MD has written two books on the subject!

Video Marketing Content and Strategy

As video content continues to grow in popularity, businesses are realising that video marketing is essential when it comes to marketing strategy. Well-crafted marketing videos will not only engage audiences but will also help to increase conversions. We are experienced in creating video marketing content that cuts through the noise and gets your brand noticed. We can create explainers, 360-degree videos and branded content, plus add our expertise in motion graphics, animation and 3D video.

As a video marketing company, we know that great content alone doesn’t guarantee success. That’s why as part of our service, we help you to form a video strategy which will help you to achieve your brand goals. If your business has different audiences and social media channels, a strategy will be important to ensure that your content is effective and we will help you to find the right approach for your brand.

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