Recruitment Videos and HR Marketing

HR videos and recruitment video marketing

Recruitment videos are being used increasingly to attract and retain top talent. Job postings with videos are viewed 12% more than those without, and on average there are 34% more applications when videos are used (Careerbuilder).

Ask us about a recruitment video

We work with your marketing team (or external agency) to create results-driven digital campaigns with video content at its heart. Our services include strategic planning, creative, production and campaign roll-out, as well as video seeding and digital PR. We will work closely with your team to ensure minimum disruption to your business operations.

Our recruitment video campaigns

We have partnered with top brands and their agencies to create innovative recruitment campaigns designed to attract the best in the business.

We worked with the international flight training school L3 on a range of marketing videos, like this film which was designed to attract more female recruits.

Our campaign for the insurance firm, AXA, was targeted at the graduate market, promoting an around the world competition. It was a high-profile recruitment campaign for the brand, and our video helped to reach and engage their target audiences.

This video for Ocado Technology aimed to increase recruitment an approach that encouraged top programmers to work for these brand leaders. Motion graphics and animation brought the complexity of the firm’s work to life, and show that people were at the heart of their business.

As video becomes more important in people’s lives, Hurricane is here to ensure that your HR video marketing campaigns and recruitment videos are effective and engaging.

Chat to us about recruitment video marketing

Get in touch to talk about how we work and what results we can achieve for your brand.

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