Viral Video Production

Viral Video Marketing

With high levels of audience engagement and the potential to catapult brand awareness organically, a viral video is the dream metric for marketers. Video content is already important in today’s online landscape, and with viral video marketing, there is even more opportunity.

A strategy is needed for viral marketing and for a video to be truly viral, it must be funny, outrageous or just plain awesome. We are here to help you create outstanding content that will attract a high share index.

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Experts in Viral Video Production

Hurricane has a successful track record of delivering online engagement through compelling, and shareable viral content for both B2B and B2C customers. We’ve also partnered with agencies that are looking for a viral video production company.

We’ve created viral marketing videos and seeding campaigns that have hit the mark for our clients, including Credit Call and a social campaign for Sony. Take our viral video for Barclaycard above which used the hook of April Fool’s Day to maximise coverage with a spoof video campaign.

Viral Marketing – The Holy Grail of Fame Campaigns

Our viral videos marketing campaigns are designed to earn media attention for your brand, generate excitement and drive customer engagement, By creating viral content that cuts through, we aim to deliver measurable results whatever the platform. Viral videos gain views from organic shares, but also via seeing through owned, earned and paid channels. Our planners can help you activate your viral video campaign, so that it delivers a bottom-line ROI.

Contact Us About Viral Video Marketing

If you would like to know more about how Hurricane can make viral video campaigns for your, get in touch. We’d love to help you achieve the viral effect too.

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