Social Media Advertising Agency

At Hurricane, we take the pain out of paid social advertising. We specialise in helping our clients grow and connect with their audiences through emotive campaigns. Outsource your ad campaigns to an expert social media advertising agency. We set up and manage paid campaigns on all social media platforms (from Instagram and Facebook to LinkedIn, TikTok, X and more). We also create and plan campaigns for national TV and radio, so we can deliver integrated, cross funnel results.

We’ve worked across many sectors in the past and have clients from finance and medical to ecommerce and education. Some of our most recent paid advertising campaigns are for World Food Program, Bupa, Close Brothers and the world’s biggest brewery AbinBev.

Our paid social advertising services propel your business to the next level. We believe in great communication, results which are measurable, and in making you and your brand look good. So, you can confidently brief us on your ad campaign goals, because we know that even the best marketing teams just don’t have time to manage them.

Talk to our social media advertising experts

Are short-form videos and paid activation worth it?

Paid social media advertising campaigns provide your business with the much-needed boost to help you reach almost any potential customer. Our years of video marketing experience have allowed us to hone our video marketing skills in paid advertising. If you’re ready to step into the world of paid social media ads and are looking to take the strategic approach to stand out creatively, we can help you reach your goals and reach optimal conversion and ROI rates.

Short-form social media video is growing in popularity as a way for brands to engage with their audience. You can use it to tell a more engaging story about your business. In the UK, the average user spends two hours per day on social media so it’s an indispensable place to be. For you and every other company! So, your social media advertising has to be strong to be worth it and to beat your competition. Video content is also prioritised by the algorithms of all the social channels, therefore short-form videos should be an essential part of your video marketing strategy.

Should you pay to promote videos on social media?

Paid social advertising can be a game-changer. Businesses tend to leverage paid social because organic reach is tough in the current online landscape. Paid social video advertising has the capability to expand your overall advertising efforts. A well-managed ad budget will reach a wider audience and drive more engagement. Additional benefits of paying to promote your ad are that you can choose where your video ads are placed within the social media platform and define the audience you’d like to target by interests and demographics.

As a social media advertising agency, we will manage and report on all these KPIs for you. We will monitor your advertising campaigns closely and tweak them as necessary. So you and your team can focus on the exciting bit – handling conversations with the leads generated.

Learn more

Use a social media advertising agency

Our team will work in partnership to help you create the right social media advertising strategy for your brand and business, ensuring that you make the most of your advertising budget. This isn’t our first rodeo – you’ll get a team of professional video producers and social media managers working on your account. We’ll help you from the very beginning, with the initial set-up of the ad accounts and tracking, and target the right channel and audiences, all the way down to measuring and understanding the right metrics. So you can prove to the business that it works.

Chat to us about social media video advert creation

Whether you’re an agency or a brand, we offer all the strategy, creative and production experience to deliver great results for your clients or business with social media video advertising.

Get in touch today and discover how we can help you start your social media advertising journey.

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