Media Planning and Buying

Hurricane’s media planning, buying and social activation services get your content seen by the right people at the right time. We work across audiences, platforms and languages to deliver effective national, regional and global campaigns.

We are a small (but perfectly formed) media agency that gives you a genuine advantage. Our heritage is in content creation and we are specialists in the field. The insights that we have collected over 15 years of delivering social campaigns have helped us to develop an approach to planning and buying media that is what you would expect from leaders in the field.  We don’t just focus on traditional goals such as reaching target demographics, instead, we identify what content and emotions genuinely influence your audience’s behaviour, and apply this to media targeting. We work across TV, Paid Social, PPC, display, DOH, influencer marketing and more.

Our Team has delivered campaigns for ABinBev Admiral Insurance, AXA, Bupa, Close Brothers, David Lloyd, English Heritage, Furniture Village, IUCN the World Food Program & more!

When you work with us, you work with senior, talented people in every aspect, from planning to media buying, campaign adjustments and reporting.

Digital media / Paid Media
Digital media ads consistently prove effective for our clients, delivering provable ROI and dramatic brand uplift effects. We can provide display, video, audio, native and more.

Broadcast TV ads
Whether your brand is looking to be on traditional network TV and radio, or DRTV channels like Sky Adsmart and 4oD, we have the skills and experience to deliver cost-effective results.

PPC & Paid Social Media Buying
Paid search or social campaigns across partners such as Google, Bing, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Publisher Partnerships
We have brokered many successful media partnerships for clients such as collaborations with the Financial Times, Drapers and Mumsnet.

Our Work

Case study: ABinBev
A Pan-European paid media campaign for the world’s second-biggest brewery.  Activated in France, Germany, UK and Belgium


  • Increase traffic to Diversity and Inclusion pages
  • Maximise brand awareness with video views.
  • Test platforms, video lengths & locations.
  • Target of 200 sign ups


  • 300% over target for signups
  • 4.8 million+ total impressions
  • 1.3 million+ video views
  • 164% increase in page views
  • 21.30% improvement in bounce rate
  • 4.5% uplift in the brand’s consumer reputation score
  • 10% increase in time on page
  • Highest ever click-through rate in the German market
  • Highest-ever clicks and lowest-ever CPC in Italy
  • Highest-ever conversions in Italy

Case Study: Bupa 
Increase the awareness and saliency of Bupa by maximising views for the Healthy Planet series of content.


  • Use paid media to increase views of the series
  • Deploy a two-stage approach with an initial focus on increasing views, and then switching to a focus on increasing subscribers and click-throughs to
  • Create insights and data for use in future campaigns.

Results: Healthy Planet (hero film)

  • 1.5 Million Views, 4 million impressions
  • £0.01 CPV
  • 4,881 Clicks
  • 0.12 CTR

Results: Mission Sustainable Health (Documentary series)

  • 2 Million Views, 3 million impressions
  • £0.01 CPV
  • 10,000 Clicks
  • 0.36 CTR

Case Study: Close Brothers Asset Management
Brand building campaign to reach people looking to invest a significant sum of money through a financial adviser.


  • Reach men and women aged 35-65 in the UK who are in-market for retirement planning, investment services and asset management
  • Test 3 different channels and optimise to the best-performing placement and channel.


  • 2.6 million views
  • 44% video completion rate
  • 4,470 Clicks to
  • Significant insights and learnings

Case study: IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature)
Conversion campaign to drive sign-ups for the IUCN global congress in Paris.  KPIs were views, impressions and click-throughs to sign up.


  • Reach 7 very different audiences (ranging from youth to green finance) with unique messages on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn
  • Campaign in English, French and Spanish.


  • 15.5 million Impressions
  • 6.5 million views
  • 31,000 clicks to the register page
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