Content Marketing

Content Marketing is Key in the Marketing Mix

Content marketing is an ever increasing segment of the marketing mix.  The creation and sharing of media content designed to change or enhance consumer behaviour has proven to make a difference.

Key to success is a well defined content marketing strategy and a focus on producing material that is genuinely engaging and helpful to your audience.  Content can include news, behind-the-scenes interviews, thought leadership videos, apps, “how to” videos, competitions, documentaries or live events. If your company delivers regular, fresh, engaging and valuable information to buyers, they will reward you with their attention and their business.

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Effective Content Marketing Campaigns

Content marketing isn’t new, what changes is the platform that is used. In 1895 John Deere launched “The Furrow”, a magazine that provided articles for farmers on how to increase profit. Now however, businesses are looking to the high engagement levels of video for their marketing.

At Hurricane we are experienced storytellers and video with a background in broadcast TV for the BBC and Channel 4. What we do best is create engaging and relevant narratives for content marketing.

We have experience as a content marketing agency in a wide range of sectors, including pharmamedical motion graphicsengineering and technology and finance. We’ve delivered content marketing videos for Barclaycard, BMW, Canon, GSMA, Red Bull and many more.

Create Successful Content Driven Campaign

We build successful campaigns using a number of steps:

Research and strategy:  Step one is to identify what your target audience is interested in, where they hang out online and what content will resonate with them. Once that’s nailed down we can develop a strategy that fits your needs.

Creative: Our in-house team of writers and creatives develop a number of ideas for content creation that your team can choose from. This might include a documentary, team interviews, “how to” videos or a competition.

Production: With the target and creative defined we set to work creating a content marketing video that hits the brief.

Outreach: Engaging content is one thing, but if no one sees it, you don’t get the value. We have a set of tools and techniques that raise your profile with the intended audience, bloggers or other influencers in your niche. We use traditional and digital PR, bought media space and video seeding (see more on our video services).

Reporting: You will want to see the effectiveness of your content marketing campaign, which is why we compile a detailed report, so you know exactly what ROI your campaign has delivered.

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Get in touch with us to find out how we can help improve the effectiveness of your content marketing.

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