Branding & Identity Development

We Create Authentic and Engaging Identities for Brands.

At Hurricane, the identities and visuals we create are built on a strategic process that gets to the heart of the values & mission of your brand. We work to create guidelines and assets that define your unique brand identity, helping you to stand out in your industry. Our branding development service involves consulting, research and design that reinforces your brand and maintains consistency in print, digital and video.

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Brand Development Case Study: IUCN

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is the global authority on the status of the natural world and the measures needed to safeguard it. Over the past three years, we have developed a great working relationship with IUCN, becoming their go-to agency partner for creative content campaigns and video production. This year we made the natural progression to start working with them on higher level brand identity thinking. 

IUCN’s marketing team works across a broad range of international business areas & media and realised that their communications would benefit from being visually unified across the organisation. So they approached us to refresh their brand look & feel and create a central set of guidelines that would align their communications.

The brief was to create a professional new approach that would identify them as a thought leader in conservation and act to tie their content together across a broad range of media, from print and digital to video, animation and event branding. Hurricane worked closely with the IUCN team to develop a working brief. We ran creative sessions with the senior stakeholders in their offices in Switzerland to inform our creative process and define the objectives of the project.

Working to this new brief, our design team set about creating a suite of assets and guidelines for IUCN’s in-house designers to use as a benchmark going forward. We defined new fonts, colour schemes, tone of voice and provided our guidance on image styling and art direction.

To root IUCN’s new brand in nature and the environment, we created a bespoke colour spectrum that takes its influence from the natural world. Using reference from trees, oceans, mountains and wildlife to create the shades and tones that would represent their different programmes.

In addition to this, an extensive set of graphical icons was created to depict the various IUCN projects and regions, creating a central graphical language that designers can use across a range of media.

These brand guidelines and assets provide a clear benchmark to be applied across many different applications, unifying IUCN’s marketing material to provide a consistent visual style across the organisation.

The project has received hugely positive feedback from all areas of IUCN’S team. We are already starting to see the fruits of our labour, as new forms of communications are produced in unified style across IUCN’s broad spectrum of channels.

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