Travel Marketing Videos

Travel & Leisure Video Content That Cuts Through the Noise

How people spend their spare time is important to them; they take care of the company they spend money with and rightly so. Who wants to waste time, money and holiday allowance on the wrong thing? Successful travel video marketing grabs people’s attention, while they are dreaming about a holiday or activity, and answers their questions when they start to plan.

Hurricane works with leading travel brands to bring their message to life, on social media and in TV commercials. We drive awareness, sales and retention. Above all we are experts at creating emotional messages that engage audiences and deliver results for travel marketing campaigns.

Ask us about travel brand marketing video

All our work is based around a three part process; Plan, Create and Activate. We begin our process by developing a clear understanding of your industry, audience, messaging and goals. From there, we create powerful ideas that stand out from the competition and convert. With all that done, we then work with you to ensure that your video campaign is seen by the right people at the right time, through TV ad buyingpaid social media campaigns, organic search and more.

TV Commercials for Travel Marketing

In the dream phase of the purchase cycle, brands are looking to create deep emotional connections with viewers, and to do it quickly. Hurricane has created several TV ads for the travel sector and we know how to deliver stories that have impact.

As examples, you can see the last two commercials we completed for Sykes Holiday Cottages. The first was the brand’s premier commercial on UK national TV and focused on the depth of the brand’s offering. The second was a brand focused piece to make people think about how precious their time on holiday really is.

Social Media Content for Travel and Leisure

TV commercials are not the only way to connect with new audiences. Organic search focused content can be a highly cost effective way for travel brands to connect. At Hurricane we’ve created successful travel & leisure video campaigns for a huge range of brands. We’re experts at creating highly searchable content marketing videos for YouTube, Instagram and other social channels.

We worked with Sykes Cottages to produce a travel marketing series that did just that. The series was designed to capitalise on search terms around British Holidays and it has been a real success for the brand.

Growing Your Travel Brand with YouTube and Organic Search

YouTube data shows that travellers are spending more time watching online videos than ever before and views of travel focused content has increased 118% year on year. In fact, 88% of YouTube searches are focused around destinations, attractions, and general travel ideas. With this in mind, any travel marketing plan should be looking to utilise the channel.

Whether you’re trying to connect with people in the “dream” or “plan” phase, Hurricane can help you show up in search results, be a part of the conversation and convert business.  We can create a clear YouTube content plan, produce engaging content and optimise your travel videos for YouTube and search engine success.

Traveling Marketing Videos Help Your Customers to Decide and Plan

Once a brand has been found by consumers it’s time to switch the conversation to advice that helps with planning. Travel brands that provide the best support for the curious are the ones that will pick up sales. We’ve worked for many years with the cruise line Fred Olsen. We created a huge volume of output that could be recut for specific purposes and that added detail around destinations, food, culture and entertainment.

We’ve also created pet focused information for Sykes to help convert specific markets.

Our Travel and Leisure Marketing Include:

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Are you interested in discussing how we can reach and engage your audience? Get in touch to see how we can help you grow your travel brand.

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