Trade Associations Video

Marketing for Trade Associations and Professional Bodies

Hurricane specialises in video marketing for trade associations of various sizes, from small organisations to renowned global bodies, to help them promote their work and connect with members. We create video campaigns that help professional bodies to encourage interaction, facilitate collaboration, increase membership and promote thinking.

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Our Experience in Trade Association Marketing

We are experienced at developing strategies and campaigns that enable professional organisations to communicate their complex messages to multiple audiences.

Our clients include the General Medical Council (GMC), Institute of Physics, GSMA Association, Soil Association, Food For Life Partnership and more.

Trade Association Case Study: GSMA

The GSM represents the interests of nearly 800 mobile operators worldwide. Spanning more than 220 countries and more than 200 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem.

We have made a number of trade association videos for the GSMA. In the film below, our task was to create a solution that clearly explained a vision of the future, where connected technology makes peoples lives better. The concept, known as “Connected World”, is very complex and widespread, and the creative challenge was to turn a broad set of messages into a compelling narrative.

The end results have been really rewarding as we were able to crack the essence of the subject in our early-stage creative. We communicated GSMA’s vision of a connected future by representing users as their very own world of technology. We travel around this world and the viewer sees different ways that the user can make the most of connected technology.
The first stage in our process was to look at how to represent the user. With that stage complete we focused on the look and feel of the film.

The project, which was modelled and animated in 3D, was delivered in English and simplified Chinese for Mobile World Congress (MWC).

Chat to Us to About Trade Association Marketing

Looking to increase engagement with your professional trade organisation? Get in touch to find out how we can help with video marketing.

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