Retail Marketing

Video is Key for Successful Retail Marketing

Here at Hurricane, we know that video marketing is the talk of the retail sector right now, with high street shops integrating digital signage video to complement in-store promotions and showcase their wares in dynamic ways. eCommerce video production is also booming, with online retailers jumping on the broadcast bandwagon, putting video at the heart of their content marketing strategy. Cisco’s Visual Networking Index notes the rising trends in consumer internet traffic, so it stands to reason that product videos are becoming increasingly key within retail marketing.

Ask us about a retail marketing video

We understand retail marketing and know that driving conversions is a top priority. Our team has experience of creating effective video content campaigns, TV adverts, point of sale videos, digital signage, and promos for eCommerce marketing.

Retail Video Production

Our in-house services include strategic planning, creative, production and campaign roll-out. We’re flexible and can work directly with your retail marketing team or an agency. Either way, we’ll create a results-driven digital campaign that cuts through the noise.

In the omnichannel environment, we can help integrate your retail video across the whole customer journey, delivering the right video content at the right point in the sales cycle. Video is the most shared content type on social media, so producing a compelling brand video is the best way to extend your reach and get your message in front of the right people. Not only can we produce an amazing video for your eCommerce brand, we can go further by ensuring that it is seen by your target audience, providing seamless PR, blogger outreach and video seeding services.

Whether you need a festive marketing campaign to boost seasonal sales, a shop or eCommerce marketing video to drive traffic to your store or website, or a 3D animation to bring your product range to life, our team can produce engaging and compelling retail videos that are guaranteed to boost your bottom line.

Our Experience in Retail Marketing

We’ve worked with retail businesses to create video campaigns for many types of holidays and seasons, and for in-store and online use.

We created this TV commercial as part of a Christmas ad campaign for Telford Shopping Centre, and it’s an example of how animation can work within marketing for retailers.

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