Member Organisation Videos

Video Marketing for Membership Organisations

Hurricane works closely with a wide range of membership organisations to develop and deliver highly effective messaging via video.  Whether you are a small voluntary group or renowned international organisations we have the experience to help you promote your work and connect with members. Our videos help membership-based organisations increase interaction, foster collaboration, drive membership and promote thinking.

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Our Experience in Member Organisations Marketing

We’ve worked with a huge range of professional associations including the General Medical Council, Institute of Physics,  Soil Association and the GSMA. Here are just a few examples of our work:

Member Organisation Video Case study: GSMA

The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators across 220 countries worldwide. We’ve worked with them for many years and have created a wide range of marketing video content, VR installations and corporate videos for their membership. In the film (shown above) our task was to develop a creative solution that explained a vision of the future in which connected technology improves people’s lives. The concept, known as “Connected World” is wide-ranging and very complex, and the creative challenge was to condense a wide set of messages into a compelling narrative.

It was delivered for Mobile World Congress (MWC) in both English and simplified Chinese.

Membership Organisation Video: FISITA

We delivered this punchy, and engaging recruitment video for automotive membership organisation FISITA, who asked us to help recruit more young people into the industry as part of their ‘Your Future in Automotive’ campaign.

Professional Association Case Study: GMC

The General Medical Council have a huge range of messages to convey to a wide audience (both members and non-members), with varying interests and skills. We have worked with them to create a number of videos from information drives, to website “how-to” films, take a look at an example we’ve produced for them on YouTube.

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Looking to drive engagement with your membership organisation? Get in touch to find how we can help.

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