Medical Device Videos

Medically Accurate Animations in 2D or 3D

2D & 3D medical animations are increasingly being used by medical device manufacturers and for pharmaceutical marketing. They are used to convey complex messages about new products, raise awareness of an existing issue amongst practitioners, or to inform patients of the options available to them.

We firmly believe that video should form the heart of medical marketing campaigns. As a specialist medical animation company, we have extensive experience in producing anatomically correct video animation and know exactly how to use animation as part of a wider marketing campaign.

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Experts in Medical Animation

We work with medical agencies and pharma companies to deliver medically accurate animations and representations, that focus on strategic communications objectives. We’ve helped some of the world’s largest medical companies to develop medical device videos and motion graphics presentations, as well as internal comms films.

Whether it’s a medically accurate Mechanism of Disease animation, a Mode of Action simulation, a polished 2D presentation or a whole suite of anatomically correct medical animations tailored to individual stakeholders, the chances are that we’ve delivered similar projects in the past.

Medical motion graphics often come into their own when they are used to explain topics or procedures which are especially difficult to imagine, such as demonstrating how a particular medicine interacts with the body or illustrating internal anatomical details. They can also be hugely effective in educating patients around health topics or highlighting prevention issues for medical practitioners and consumers.

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Get in touch today to discuss your next 3D or 2D medical animation.

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