Environmental Marketing Video Production

Video Marketing for Environmental Organisations

Hurricane is incredibly proud to work as a video marketing agency alongside many amazing organisations that are literally saving the world. We create environmental video that cuts through and makes a difference.

Ask us about video for environmental campaigns

Our Experience Within Environmental Marketing

We understand how to connect with audiences on environmental issues and have run environmental marketing campaigns aimed at world leaders, millennials and members of business communities. We’ve created videos and social media campaigns for charities such as Earthwatch and NGO’s like IUCN and UNEP.

The organisations we partner with work with us for years, because we are focused on what they need and consistently deliver great work.  We have partnered with IUCN for over 4 years and help them build audiences on Instagram, reach new audiences and influence world leaders and attract visitors to global congresses. Take a look at this animation that we created for the IUCN World Conservation Congress 2020.

Our Environmental Video Production Service

Our services go far beyond video production and into the planning and activation of effective campaigns.

    • We start by working with stakeholders in environmental organisations to understand their needs and goals.
    • We then  explore what messaging will be most effective and how we can motivate viewers to take action.
    • After planning what the environmental marketing campaign will be, how it will run and where it will show, we move into production.
    • Finally, we work to activate the film content on social media, TV and through digital PR

Throughout the process we are focused on how to make the most impact for environmental organisations, charities or NGOs.

Our Approach to Sustainable Video Production

Here at Hurricane, our approach to environmental video production is more than just about subject matter and effective campaigns. It’s also about how we make the videos themselves. Where possible, we minimise the footprint that we leave on the world through our production process, from reducing plastic on set, to avoiding travel and using local crews or even library footage; we aim to tell the story while making the least impact possible on the planet. Even when projects do take us around the world, we aim to offset our carbon emissions. Our entire team shares a common approach to sustainable video production.

Chat to Us About Environmental Video Marketing

If you’re looking for new ways to raise environmental awareness or reach and influence audiences get in touch today.

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