Digital Video Campaigns

Video for Digital Marketing

As a video production agency, a large portion of our work reaches its primary audience through the internet. From videos hosted on YouTube to emailed promos and fully interactive video players, we know exactly how to make a real impact when it comes to digital video marketing.

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Our Expertise in Digital Video Production

Making a great digital marketing video isn’t enough, We’re also experts at getting films seeded through the right channels to ensure maximum exposure. Seeding video content is an increasingly important part of online marketing. Whether it’s a B2B or B2C campaign we have the knowledge to guide you through the online video landscape.

The video featured above is an excerpt from a digital campaign we worked on for Sony It was designed to feature on T3’s website, YouTube channel and blog.

We’ve also delivered interactive flash and HTML5 presentations that keep viewers engaged and collect vital data. You can see more examples of how we’ve become an integral part of digital campaigns in our portfolio section. 

Chat to Us About Digital Video Campaigns

If you’re looking for great video content to form part of your digital marketing campaigns, get in touch today.

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