Automotive Video Marketing

Automotive Video Marketing Agency

At Hurricane, we understand the needs of the automotive marketplace. We help manufacturers, dealers and engineers to make emotional connections with their audience.

The success of automotive marketing is so attached to look and feel, and we understand that in the car marketing industry, there are certain demands when it comes to video production quality and developing an emotional connection with your audience. It’s this understanding that has helped us repeatedly deliver successful automotive videos that meet the exacting standards of the automotive industry. We produce vehicle marketing videos in a range of styles for clients that include BMW, Fiat, Mercedes Benz, Peugeot, Mazda, Rolls Royce and Volvo.

Ask us about automotive marketing films

Video Marketing Services for Car Brands

Our services include planning & strategy, filming, 2D animations, 3D models, studio shoots, presenter-led location videossocial video campaigns and digital PR.

We deliver engaging car animation and videos online. Trade stand content, VR, AR and interactive digital platforms. We also work with a network of leading directors and directors of photography (DOPs) who can bring the very highest production levels to your project.

Automotive Lighting Specialists

High-quality lighting is central to cars looking their best. We work alongside expert car lighting technicians to bring out every curve of a car’s body, and details of its interior or engine. Whether it’s a car on a turntable or lighting integrated with special effects, we know what works; take a look at the showreel below.

Our film for the Peugeot RCZ was a creative challenge. A black car in a black studio with live action and SFX, but we think that the results speak for themselves.

Location Car and Automotive Shoots

We are experienced in creating location-based automotive marketing videos. For example, our video for the Peugeot Millesim was shot on location in Bristol.

Automotive Event Filming

Filming inside moving vehicles and at racetracks presents its own challenges. An understandable focus on health and safety, restricted access and limited time are all part of the process. With our experience, we can help you through all of the challenges that may arise and we can ensure a great looking automotive video at the end of it all.

We’ve filmed with onboard mini-cams, pole cams and can provide a helicopter drone for those key aerial shots. Two further examples of our automotive work, include a “car and mobile phone” stunt filmed at Silverstone and a week-long, live build of a replica supercar using multi-cam filming and on-site streaming.

Underpinning all of our work with automotive brands is our 5 step process to guide clients smoothly through their marketing projects, from initial strategies to creative concepts, production, campaign activation and review.

Chat to Us About Automotive Video Marketing

Looking for full throttle content? Get in touch to find out more about how we can help you with  automotive marketing.

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